WE LOVE WALK-INS!! Especially when they are as cool as this!! Come see us at 826 Fort Street! 😜 (tattoo by Gerry)
Category: Gerry Kramer
Come see us at 826 Fort Street. (tattoo by Gerry)
Gerry did a bunch of romantical tattoos this week. The two on the right celebrate 10 years of marriage and the one on the left is a declaration of love!! ❤️ #lovewins #welovetattooingyou #letloverule
Come see us as 826 Fort street. (tattoo by the octopus whisperer Gerry)
Death Moth
Tattoo by Gerry. Call 250-361-1952 to book.
She sells sea shells… (tattoo by Gerry)
Did you know that dragonflies can loop-the-loop, hover and fly backwards? (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book!
Whale !!
We had a WHALE of a time at work yesterday. 😜 (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book.
Octopuses are 90% muscle… #funTZfacts (tattoo by Gerry)
Love is in the details… (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book.
None more black …
It’s like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black. (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book.
Caw Caw!!
Caw! Caw!! We are open 11-6!!! (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book.
Bring me more WINE!
BRING ME MORE WINE!! (tattoo by Gerry)
Cats and Owls are awesome!
We are OPEN!!! Come see us at 826 Fort Street. We are here til 6pm. (tattoo by Gerry)
Snakes are awesome!
SNAKES ARE AWESOME!! (tattoo by Gerry) Call 250-361-1952 to book!!
WOOF!! Come see us at 826 Fort Street!! (tattoo by Gerry)
Meow!!! (tattoo by Gerry)
We love walk-ins!! Come see us at 826 Fort Street. #welovetattooingyou (tattoo by Gerry)
Do you feel lucky, punk? (tattoo by Gerry)
Dots … … …
Incredible tattoo by Gerry. Call 250-361-1952 to book appointment!!
Patience is bitter but it’s fruit is sweet… (tattoo by Gerry). Call 250-361-1952 to book.
Matty recently lost his sweet dog Belle and he wanted to honour her memory with a tattoo. We were crushed to hear about Belle passing – she was a really awesome dog. It’s special moments like this that remind us of why we choose to do this work… It is a privilege. Thank you. #welovetattoingyou…
Oh Canada!
We are OPEN!!! Visit us at 826 Fort Street!!! (tattoo by Gerry)
Harm Less
We are OPEN!! Gerry did this #jobstopper knuckle tattoo on his #vegan superstar wife Sarah! #harm #less
Message in a bottle!
Another wannado finds a home! Come down to 826 Fort Street and look through our wannado books! You might find something you “wanna-do”!! (tattoo by Gerry)
CROSS WALK at Fort & Blanshard Street
We are so thrilled to announce that our fearless leader Gerry Kramer did the design for the crosswalk at the intersection of Fort & Blanshard street. We’d especially like to thank the City of Victoria – Local Government ; Mike Hill at the City of Victoria, the DVBA ; and Councilor Charlayne-Thornton-Joe. This piece of…
Gorgeous shoulder smasher by Gerry
Wanna do?
Gerry has some drawings in his Wanna-Do book. Come down to 826 Fort Street and look through his book. You might find something you “wanna do”. 🙂
A rose by any other name …
Tattoo by Gerry
Yowza …
Tattoo by Gerry